Turn it Into a Blowtorch!
That’s right! The flame of love you have for God, no matter how dim or bright it is, no matter who you are, no matter your circumstances in life, can be re-ignited into a blowtorch so hot and bright that it becomes all-consuming, making you into a whole new creation, a crucible of heavenly gold!
Jesus Christ wants to enter into a deeply personal, loving dialogue with you, right now, that you might know His peace and joy in your life here and now. And forever!
I believe we are living in a very special time and that Jesus is now making His Presence known in a brand new way. In doing that, He wants to take the flame of love for Him that is in you, turn it into a brightly burning blowtorch, so bright and hot that it consumes the old you and like a refiner’s fire, leaves pure gold in its place (Zc 13:9)!
He wants you to experience deep and profound peace and joy, no matter what your circumstances are in life and have others ‘catch fire’ from you so that every family, every workplace, every school, every community and nation can experience it. That happens because pervasive peace and joy within you makes you a better leader, parent, worker, business person, spouse and on and on!
When a person is entirely open to the breath of God’s love,
he becomes caught up in a spiritual “adventure”
far beyond anything imaginable.
Like a sail his soul is billowed
by the breeze of the Spirit,
and God can move it
according to the inscrutable designs of his Providential Mercy.
St. John Paul II