Feed Your Soul, Feed the Hungry!
After 6 ½ years, my book is done and I have just launched
“That Flame in Your Heart?
Turn it into a Blowtorch!”
“30 Days to Reignite Your Spiritual Life!”
Having led hundreds of adult faith formation groups over the years, it is my experience that any hope for a New Evangelization must start with a re-evangelization of self, a renewal of the fire within! The book, the accompanying Personal Prayer Journal and Guide, and the soon to be released Small Group Leader’s Guide for adult faith formation groups is hopefully a contribution to that effort.
The official launch of the book was the 30th of July 2014 at a book show in Chicago. It is available for ordering on Amazon – see below.
I am excited and celebrating and want to share it with you. Here is my plan for doing something we can all feel good about. I have created a program called “Feed Your Soul, Feed the Hungry.” and here is how it works.
For a limited time, I will donate the profits from everyone who orders my book to the charity “Food for the Poor” (www.foodforthepoor.org).
Cool huh? You get a book to feed your soul and the profits go to feed the poor and starving in the Caribbean and Central America.
When the program is over, Food for the Poor will still get part of the profits.
Order the book:
Buy from Amazon

and you will
“Feed Your Soul, Feed the Hungry!”
As a bonus for purchasing the book and helping feed the poor, I will send you a free guide I authored, “Resilience, Neuroplasticity, and the Christian Spiritual Life.” As you may know, neuroplasticity is a hot topic right now. When it comes to spiritual resilience, it turns out that the science of neuroplasticity is highly relevant. The guide, which I plan to publish separately later, is yours for helping me promote this program.
To claim your free bonus, simply email me your receipt when you purchase the book and I will email you the download link. Send your receipt to info@turnitintoablowtorch.com
Thank you so much for your help. Please share this page with all your friends.
On behalf of the hungry and starving who we will feed, “Thank you!”
David Leis
Author, “That Flame in Your Heart? Turn it into a Blowtorch!”
Please visit our web site: www.turnitintoablowtorch.com
© 2014 David Leis & Avantt Press
David Leis, the author of the book, “That Flame in your Heart? Turn it into a Blowtorch!”, is an award-winning consultant, author, speaker, trainer, executive coach, and college instructor. For over 30 years, he has spoken to and trained thousands of people in a wide variety of settings, from colleges to the Fortune 500 to small companies and non-profits around the globe. David lives near Princeton, New Jersey, with his two sons and close to his daughter’s family in Connecticut. You may contact him at www.turnitintoablowtorch.com